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Thinking Brands in Motion First Design Studio

Thinking Brands in Motion First

  • 1 read
  • 25/07/2022

More than just an execution, Motion Design informs so much of what we do at DS — imagining new ways for brands to be experienced. Over the past years, our motion team has grown to be more and more involved in every  project, from the early stages of visual exploration to crafting amazing live campaigns.

Recently, we reintroduced ourselves to the world with a new brand and website, and took this opportunity to create a reel that showcases the incredible work we make. 

Trying to push how brands live in time and space, we often expand our own team to collaborate with digital artists. One of them is the amazing duo @father_insta, who helped us create a banging custom track for this edit — following the brief “if DesignStudio was an instrument, how would it sound?“

Vitor Cervi
Motion Director